senegal - plan international

Pikine and Guédiawaye Communities


The objective of Backa Sisters Create program is equality between girls and boys to shape their futures and contribute to a fair and sustainable society. Girls from the suburbs of Dakar organize themselves and actively work towards equal opportunities for girls and boys: cultural activities, art, music, theatre, painting, and the media. Through the program, they build their self-esteem and act as role models to strengthen the participation, influence, and power of Senegalese girls. They also learn about leadership and develop leadership skills. Many have the qualities required to be good leaders: open-mindedness, commitment, determination, and the ability to listen and advocate.

The Pikine Department is divided into three districts:  Niayes, Dagoudane, Thiaroye. Half of the population of Dakar lives in Pikine. There will be an estimated 1,708,830 inhabitants in 2025.

Guédiawaye has become a megalopolis with its 435,726 inhabitants. It shows a growth rate of around 2.9%. This demographic dynamic is due to a combination of rural exodus and population growth. 

The majority of the neighborhoods of these four local authorities are characterized by socio-economic precariousness which is the result of poverty affecting ¼ of the population, approximately 24% of households (ESAM II). Poverty is more exacerbated among women (60%) than men. Household income is mainly based upon the following: income-generating activities, informal economy (almost 55%), salary compensation (18%), retirement pensions (14%), donations, and other sources of income (13%).

Source: Communities Profile Plan International Senegal, 2022.

“I am a leader”. This is how Awa Ndiaye, 20 years-old, presents herself with confidence and assertiveness. Awa is a student in License II in Management and Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Management of Cheikh Anta Diop, University of Dakar in Senegal. Her dream is to become an accountant, a dream born when she met with Abou, a friend from the village, who lived at her parents’ home while he was studying economics. For her, Abou is a trustworthy person who inspired her from an early age to study and pursue a career in this field.

Awa's leadership is expressed through multiple commitments to empowering girls. Indeed, she holds several positions: President of the Backa Sisters Create network of her district municipality of Ndiarème Limamoulaye in the disadvantaged suburb of Dakar, Founder and President of the association of young girls for local development, and Candidate at the competition "Soyons Solutions Senegal" which rewards young people with innovative solutions to the challenges in their community.

As part of the Backa Sisters Create program, Awa facilitates training to groups of girls. She proliferates the knowledge and tools that have helped her develop her self-confidence and strengthen her leadership skills. Awa is a role model for young girls, especially for Khady, the secretary for the association. She also sees herself as a leader and inspiring like Awa. With a clear vision of the objectives to be achieved for herself and her community, Awa mobilizes and influences girls to develop strategies and find solutions to problems like social media online harassment.


© Moridja Kitenge Banza